Casaco Flanela
20,00 € Including VAT
Unique size
Veste até L
Weight | 0,7 kg |
Color | Branco, Camel, Preto, Rosa |
Washing Instruction – indicates whether the clothes need to be washed in the machine, the ideal water temperature, and rinse specifications, among others.
- The single tub indicates that the clothes must be washed by hand or in the machine, on a normal cycle.
- The tub with the number identifies the maximum temperature. In the case of the example, 95°.
- The line below the tub indicates that the piece cannot be centrifuged.
- Two dashes indicate the need for delicate washing.
- The hand in the tub indicates manual washing only.
- The tub with the X shows that it is prohibited to wash the fabric in water.
- Bleaching – indicates whether the pieces can be washed in chlorine or not.
- The triangle with X prevents the use of chlorine-based bleach.
- The bare triangle allows the use of chlorine bleach.
- Triangle with CL indicates that chlorine can be used, as long as it is diluted in cold water.
- Drying – general instructions on how this piece should be dried.
- The circle with a dot indicates that the item can be dried inside the machine, but at a minimum temperature.
- If the circle contains two dots, the laundry can be tumble dried at maximum temperature.
- The circle with X is placed on clothes that cannot be put in the dryer.
- The square without a circle indicates that this piece must dry naturally and in a vertical position.
- Several vertical scratches indicate that the piece can dry vertically, but without being twisted.
- If the square has a “lying down” line, this means that the piece must dry horizontally and without twisting.
- Ironing process – informs whether or not the clothes can be ironed and what the ideal temperature is.
- An iron with a little ball inside indicates that the clothes must be ironed with a cold iron – maximum temperature of 110° (acrylic, nylon and acetate).
- Two dots indicate warm iron – temperature up to 150° (wool or polyester blend).
- Three dots indicate that the item can be ironed with a hot iron – 200° (cotton and linen fabrics).
- Iron with X indicates that the garment cannot be ironed.
Dry cleaning – these instructions are normally aimed at companies specializing in cleaning clothes, with very specific information on the types of products that can be used in the process.
- Circle with the letter A indicates that dry cleaning can be carried out with all types of solvent.
- Circle with the letter F: use of solvent R113 and hydrocarbon.
- Circle with the letter P: use of perchloroethylene, solvent R113; and hydrocarbon and solvent R11.
- Circle with X: the garment cannot be dry cleaned and stains cannot be removed with solvents.
- Circle with a line at the bottom: the item is sensitive to dry cleaning. It can be washed with the same solvents described in the letter written in the circle (A | F | P), however, there is a high restriction on the addition of water in the cleaning process or mechanical action or intermediate temperature.